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I Have Just Had The Fright Of My Life

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Tilly2 | 18:11 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
I went upstairs and when I walked in the bedroom there were dark feathers all over the place. The wind had caught the window, which was wide open and feathers were blowing everywhere.
I stood absolutely still in case there was some kind of creature in the room. I was really frightened.
Then, I realised what had happened. What a relief!
Any guesses?


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Burst pillow ?
Question Author
No, Yont. Don't have feather pillows. Good guess though. 1 point to you.
gness had come to stay?
Question Author
^ as above, pixie.
Something to do with your feather boa then, Yilly lol.
feather duster exploded lol
your excited toyboy got tangled in the duvet
Were they leaves? (do i get a point, too?)
Bird come in open window and had been flapping around ?
The wind had caught your quill collection and blew then all over the bedroom ?.
your sitting bull fancy dress outfit fell off the hanger?
or your dream catcher broke in the window
Glad yours was not serious Tilly. I was in the garden this afternoon when I felt a wallop and white feathers showered down. Just time to see the sparrow hawk making off with the pigeon. Never happened before so close and quite violent.
Somebody plucking a chicken outside?
Question Author
No feather boa, duster, duvet, Not a bird, thank goodness. No Gness, either. 1 point to everyone, so far.
birds nest out side blew in
Somebody's just shaGGed a chicken?:-)
Svejk brought you a feather duster?
Pet has ripped up a stuffed cuddly toy ?

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I Have Just Had The Fright Of My Life

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