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Arrods | 08:47 Sun 25th May 2014 | Family & Relationships
10 Answers
My mother-in-law's funeral took place last week. We knew that, although she loved children dearly, she would have been concerned that her funeral would take place when there was a lot of outside activity in the school directly opposite the church. As the cortège drew up outside the church, our 'fears' on her behalf materialised with the sound of a playground full of children.

We needn't have worried. On the sound of a whistle, the playground fell silent and all of the children stood to attention until the coffin had been carried into the church. It will be a lasting, but uplifting,memory for me on a sad day.



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That is so lovely to hear, Arrods....x
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a lovely gesture... though id like the sound of children playing/laughing as I went into church .
So would I, anneasquith. Maybe a quick phone call or note telling staff at the school how much you appreciated their gesture, Arrods?
A lovely gesture by the school & I am sure other families have felt the same as you.
piddy someone didnt viddy it - I have never heard of that, and we certainly wouldnt in the fifites.... very striking.

actually - sorry about your m-i-l arrod
my late mother would have preferred the kids to go on screaming
as she knew they dont understand about death at that age,
and would prefer their innocence to be undisturbed......

at the methodist hall we had a conference
and as we broke for tea and coughee,
the savil inquiry stewards were getting restive at the noise.
( Irish so we did button our lips )
and we were struck by the contrast of respect for the dead
and my god werent the lawyers coining moolah inside, at the inquiry ?
Total cost £200 m I think

I was thinking of a brass band at my funeral which I minutely planned whilst I was having chemo

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Thanks all. Neither would I mind the sound of children at the time, but knowing it was mother-in-law's own point of view, we wanted to respect that. She was a lovely lady who loved all her 10 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.

Although I suspect it was 'standard practice' for the school to act as it did, we have indeed sent a personal note of thanks to the head.

Thanks again.
Lovely gesture, Arrods, I'm sure the school will appreciate it.
That's respect. Well done that school's staff
That is great, well done those children and staff, condolences Arrods

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