Was What My Friend Did Mean Or Am I In The Wrong?
one time my buddy Ben sent my mom a fake letter of me coming out. I said it was funny. However, he told me that it's not fake and that Im really gay, I just dont know it yet. He said I could write one to his mom, but "his would actually be fake." Im not gay, and if I was, I'd be fine with it. But it hurt that Ben, if i was gay, would try to force me out of the closet by doing this. Also that Im so insecure, I would need him to help me out of the closet. He says I'm gay a lot, but I havent realized it yet. He asks me to kiss him a lot as a joke (I think he wants me to so I can see that I'm gay). I've sometimes wondered if he is gay, but he just got a girlfriend. I just find it mean that he makes fun of me like this and implies being gay as shameful. This whole situation made my mom cry, she thought he was bullying me, and that he should've apologize, but all he told her was "sorry I faked Karl's coming out."
He might have done this because a few months ago, he got close with Todd, whos a jerk to me, and I thought me and Ben were best buds. One night Ben called me just to tell me that Todd likes Ben's more than me, and it hurt my feelings because I dont know why Ben would do something like that. A week before the letter incident, there was a movie coming out that we agreed a year before that we would see together. A few days before the premiere, he seemed to have forgot all about it, even thought I kept talking about it to other people in front of him, so I went ALONE. I think he was upset by that, but I was really hurt that he forgot about it and used his friendship with Todd to hurt me.
Is Ben really my buddy? Help!