Crosswords20 mins ago
Marriage Look Up Please ...
15 Answers
Could anyone please look up a marriage please? I don't want to assume anyone will be able to help so if you're able to assist please reply and I will give the details I have .... TIA
Your Answer... I' ll give it a go if you put up the details, I have Ancestry, you can also use familysearch .org for free which is sometimes better.
19:41 Tue 05th Sep 2017
Not sure what you are asking for but you can access some marriage records using:-
https:/ / eebmd.o gi/sear
There also appear to be a number of birth records for Birmingham in the name of Benson. I am not suggesting that any of these are related to Anita and Peter but they may be of interest. Here is the link:-
http:// www.gen esreuni uk/sear ch/resu lts?sou rcecate gory=bi rthsutf 002c%20 marriag es%20ut f0026%2 0deaths &co llectio n=birth s%20utf 0026%20 baptism s&l astname =benson &bi rthyear =2010&a mp;birt hyear_o ffset=1 0&r egion=g reat%20 britain &ke yword=b irmingh am& page=0