Nursery Advice And Support in The AnswerBank: Family & Relationships
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Nursery Advice And Support

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Greedyfly | 20:54 Fri 30th Nov 2018 | Family & Relationships
6 Answers
My baby is 10 months old and had her settling in days at nursery last week.

She is generally a very happy, smiley baby and has been weaning slowly for some time now.

The first time I collected her after a couple of hours she was sobbing and was clearly distraught.

The second day was again for a couple of hours, she was vacant, sad, distraught. Not herself at all, clearly miserable. Had obviously been crying most if not the entire time.

Staff said she was nervous of the noise (normal for her) and that she wanted to be alone away from the babies. They feel she doesn’t need anymore settling in days and she will be doing full days from next week.

I am so worried about her and I’m aware it is normal for it to be hard at first and that eventually it should be the making of her.

Since her nursery days she has refused all solid food, inc her favourites. She has increased her milk intake and will not leave my side.

She is very withdrawn and seems sad, crying a lot for no obvious reason.

She is teething, has been for months and takes powders and calpol when needed.

I’m so worried that nursery is causing her stress and that this whole thing is wrong but I have no other option, I have to return to work.

What can I do to make it easier for her and what can I do about her food intake?

Thanks so much

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It doesn’t seem like it now but she will settle. It’s all new for both of you and she will be picking up on your anxiety too. If you have a good vibe about the nursery you just have to trust that you have made the best choice. Easier said than done, but don’t hang about when you drop her off and try not to cry when you leave her. The staff at nursery do this all the time and they will let you know if she doesn’t settle. (Ps - i still can’t wave any of mine off when they go on a residential trip and was a bag of nerves when my eldest went to his first festival in the summer.)
It's best she gets used to the nursery enviroment now rather than when she goes to school when it will be even worse. If you're a nervous person she will pick up on this and think there is a reason to be nervous. Best of luck, it will be tough.
She might just have a bit of a bug, which would explain the food problem and the clinginess. Whatever the cause, don't feel pressured into leaving her for full days until you feel confident about it. I'm sure she'll settle eventually, but it can take a lot of time and reassurance. Hope it works out for you both.
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Thanks all for the answers, she’s doing much better than I thought ☺️
I might be wrong but it sounds to me that teething might have a lot to do with it.
Glad to hear that.

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