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Baby Crying

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genie123 | 23:17 Fri 21st Dec 2018 | Family & Relationships
29 Answers
My Granddaughter who is 3 1/2 months old cries and cries. If she's not napping or feeding, she's crying. We do all the usual things, feed her, burp, make sure she's clean and comfortable, but still she cries. She just wont be settled. Hold her, try distracting her with toys rocking, anything we can think of but sadly in the end she just has to be put down and let to cry it out, but it can take a number of hours. We thought it might be colic although there is no real pattern but we tried some of the remedies, but to no avail. She does sleep quite well at night so we don't think she's actually in pain. We are at a loss, any ideas would be much appreciated.


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Take her out in the fresh air.
I think you should try swaddling your granddaughter. Some tips here:
Swaddling is not a good idea.
My daughter was like that as a baby. She cried almost non stop. The only way to soothe her was to put her in the car and drive round for a while. Long time ago now, no car seats then, carry cot on back seat and off we went.
Have you tried rocking her ( gently ) back and forth in her pram.
Dummy any good ?
Have you tried putting the vacuum cleaner on?
or put her in front of the washing machine.
Years ago a friend's sister's baby was like that and her GP recognised that her baby wasn't digesting the milk well. He suggested a milk formula for a sensitive stomach and the difference was amazing.
Genie doesn't say if she's breast or bottle fed.
I went through this with my youngest. Night trips in the car was the only way and I had to put up with this for a year.
Sharon I was going to suggest car drive, other things that have worked for me is humming and even leaving vacuum cleaner on - all these apparently replicate feeling of being in the womb, which was a comfortable place to be, and these noises replicate that, worked for me.
It can be upsetting for mum too. It got to a point when baby started crying I did too.
Our eldest was like that. The only way to settle the wee tyke was put him in his carrycot, into the harness on the back seat of the car, then drive over the roughest ground we could find! Rocking him in his cot didn't do the job.
The driving them is a bad habit to get into.
It only lasted a couple of months, nothing else worked.
My middle child wouldn't sleep at night unless I held him.
I've read that osteopathy or craniopathy can help some crying babies.

I used to take my son out in his pram at night to settle him, but I soon realised he enjoyed it too much and it would have become a harder-to-break habit.
We had exactly this problem with my daughter. To cut the story short, it was eventually found that she had an allergy to Tartrazine, an e-additive found in Orange juice. The doctor gave us a medication called Vallergan Forte, which was so strong that when my wife presented it to the chemist, he refused to dipesnse it, saying it must be a mistake as one teaspoon of it would knock a horse out for 24 hours, never minde the 2 teaspoons that were directed. He phoned the doctor and was told to dispense it. It worked. Along with keeping her off the orange juice. My point is, it may be something similar but my daughter might just have been an isolated case.

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