My experience with girls all took place a long time ago, but in some ways they never change, so here are some fundamental rules for you -
If a girl likes you, she will let you know.
Be sure you are reading her signals accurately.
That means seeing what she is sending, not what you would like her to be sending!
Far too many boys assume that because they like a girl, she likes them back, in equal measure, and that is not always the case.
Take it easy - girls sense desperation a mile off.
Don't be keen to declare undying love - girls scare off easily, so again, take it nice and steady.
When you are out on a date, read her body language, does she stand or sit close to you, touch your arm, link arms? If not, she may not be ready for any physical affection just yet, so be patient.
After your first date, be ready to kiss her good night.
If she wants to kiss you back, she will face you, and move her lips in line with yours, maybe closing her eyes.
If she doesn't she may turn her head slightly, in which case, kiss her gently on the cheek - dignity saved all round, no awkwardness.
Smell nice!
Be nice!!!
Good luck!!!!