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Am I Being Selfish

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Anomybohe2 | 23:49 Sat 21st Dec 2019 | Family & Relationships
21 Answers
So going home for Christmas and somethings bugging me may seem small to some but hopefully most can help ease my mind out of two spare room one having an en-suite and just slightly bigger than the one without who would you give what room too:

Single mum who currently co sleeps with her baby who has ulcerative colitis, internal and external hemoroids and a fistula so often bleeds heavily and has periods of discomfort and problems with her bowels (from preganmact and childbirth)

And a married couple with a baby


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couple with a baby
Based purely on your description given - the young lady with the health issues.
The single mum... you, I guess?
or who ever asks for it first
it would make more sense for the 2 adults and a baby to have the larger room
I admit, I am not working with the 'slightly larger' aspect, I am more concerned re the bathroom facilities for someone with bowel issues.
I would give the en-suite to the person with the health problems. Assuming none of the rooms just have a single bed.
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I too would give the room with the ensuite to the mum with the health issues.
I agree, definitely the lady with the health problems x
They both have babies so babies aren’t the issue. The lady with health problems should be given the number suite. No contest.
So do I.
*en suite. Heavens knows what the predictive text on this phone was up to then.
The one with the health problems and explain why, without going into detail, to the couple.
Anomybohe, you asked ‘Am I being selfish?’ Has this already been decided, and you don’t like the arrangements? If you’re the lady with the health problems could you have a quiet word with host about how serious your issues are?
Just how far away is the main bathroom that it will make a difference as to who has which room; most properties don’t have the luxury of two bathrooms.
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There is a main bathroom obviously not far from the room without the en-suite but I feel it would of been kinder to give me (yes I am the one with the health issues (currently awaiting surgery in jan)) the en-suite also for privacy reasons and comfort so I don’t have to worry about waking everyone by using the main bathroom during the night there will be other people in the additional 3 bedrooms (5 total) also sorry to be Grimm but embarrassing smells to not worry about the couple have for years now been granted the slightly bigger room with en-suite because there are two of them and have been again this year for that reason but I just felt maybe this yr they would be thoughtful enough to put my medical and privacy needs above that simple fact.
Thanks all for your replies has made me feel a little better in my mind and way of thinking. The host is my mother and she is fully aware of my medical problems at present. Merry Christmas all
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The couple are my sister and brother in law
The room with the en suite. Having bowel issues myself, a loo close at hand and not shared is really important and saves embarrassment.
Since all the people involved are family, I would have thought it was a no-brainer for everyone concerned that you get the en suite bathroom.

If the couple with the baby have an en suite at home, they can mange a short trip to the bathroom, and if they have a separate bathroom at home, then it's business as usual for them.

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