Hi sorry to bother you all.
Throbbing pain in the lower right quadrant of my stomach, but it doesn’t hurt if I push down on it.
Also, nausea all day but not actually sick, had the runs this morning but nothing since.
Thanks for your time
Does it hurt when you gently compress (but quite a way in) and then release suddenly - that's the classic 'rebound' pain associated with appendix inflammation.
Like the others, given no other info. I'd be thinking 'Appendix', if you still have it. If no 'rebound' pain then it could be something you've eaten. Personally, I'd rather not risk peritonitis and I'd get it checked.
Another (uninformed and from a distance) guess might be that you've actually got constipation in the large intestine and that the 'runs' were overflow diahorrea? That would explain the pain and nausea - but then so would quite a few other things.