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People Of Personchester Beware!

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naomi24 | 07:21 Tue 19th Jul 2022 | News
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In its “inclusive language guide” for staff and students, Manchester University says sibling should be used to replace brother and sister, parent or guardian should be used rather than mum and dad, and husband and wife are also discouraged so as not to offend anyone, with partner being the preferred term instead.

Fortunately they don't appear to have noticed the 'Man' in Manchester…. yet.


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As my dear mother used to say - "They are not all locked up..."
08:17 Wed 20th Jul 2022
Naomi - and you don't seem to have noticed the "son" in Personchester. It'll have to be Offspringchester.
Ignore them, and withdraw any government funding they receive until they come to their senses.

The terminally whiny deserve to be offended against.
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Haaaaa! Well spotted, bhg! Back to the drawing board. 'Humanchester'? Nope. There's a 'man' in that too. Oh golly! What a pickle! All suggestions welcome.
Exactly why we need Kemi and not Penny.

I dont think we should ignore this. Call it out and take on these plonkers head on, just like JK does.

Apparently Manchester is a Latinisation of its Celtic name, meaning breast shaped hill
Nope Naomi, cant really have the word 'chest' in there either surely
have these idiots invented unisex terms for aunt/uncle/nephew/niece?
Bristol University are recognising ‘Catgender’, so nothing surprises me anymore.

I just file it away in the part of my brain that’s labelled “complete arsewater”.
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The next problem coming over the hill is 'call them out' instead of challenge.
If we don't act now we'll be knee deep in 'wait-what' and other American affectations that are crowbarred into far too many sentences.
oh dear what a terrible thing... not.
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It is a guide.
No words have been banned. It is a list of terminology that they would prefer to be used, but no one is going to be thrown out for buying a Mothers Day card.

You can just imagine one of the Rees-Mogg sproglets being rusticated. "Mama, papa, I have been sent down for improper use of gendered pronouns". The shame.

Personchester! You heretic! that's got "son" in the middle of it! It'll have to be Perchildchester.
oops should have read the thread first! doh!

A dictum for us all
oh no! Woman has man in it!
That’s not really the point Gromit.

The very fact that these are terminologies they would prefer to be used is bananas.

Oops, bananas has’Nan’ in it.

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