Crosswords1 min ago
Therefore, Jew
"The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath... Therefore, Jew, though justice be thy plea, consider this: that in the course of justice none of us should see salvation. We do pray for mercy, and that same prayer doth teach us all to render the deeds of mercy."
Have Jews learnt nothing since 1598?
Errrrrrr, that was a fictional character.
Have they learnt nothing?
Well they account for only 0.2% of the world population (only 14 million of them) & they have won nearly a quarter of all Nobel prizes.
Not very good at olympic gold medals though, but if chess was included they'd clean up, having produced so many grand masters. 😐
Was the entire region bathed in peace before 6th October?
This current outbreak of violence didn't come out of nowhere, it is a consequence of 70 years of oppression. While the USA backs Israel nothing is going to change. Israel won't look for peace. Why should they?
Hamas will be crushed but the hatred of Israel won't disappear.
Hamas isnt interested in peace - at least not while Israel exists. I can well understand Palestine's grievance - they have been treated abominably - but we are where we are and the works is where it is so I think the question Palestine's supporters must ask themselves is do they want Israel replaced by an Islamic state controlled by fundamentalists? My personal answer to that is no I don't. Does anyone here want that?