What Excuse Can I Make To My Friend? in The AnswerBank: Family & Relationships
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What Excuse Can I Make To My Friend?

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abbeylee90 | 19:32 Tue 25th Jun 2024 | Family & Relationships
27 Answers

My friend asked me to go beach this Saturday I said I would but now I don't want to plus I going to leaving do in the evening 



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Would the truth do?

Tell her the truth that you have a commitment in the evening, and you feel that you may not have enough time getting home from the beach to get ready to go out.

Which invitation came first?  That is the simple question. If your friend asked you to go to the beach first and you accepted that invitation - then that is what you do. It's very simple. It would be dishonourable to go back on it. Think before you answer next time.

Seriously Abbey, it is a straightforward matter of trustworthiness and reputation - as well as being happy in your skin.

Why do you use the word excuse when you mean lie?

Just once tell the truth

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I didn't know about the leaving do until today 

Tell the truth

Do what is right - not what necessarily may please you more.

How often do you need reminding that it is best to tell the truth, Abbey?  It is also always best in the long run to  do 'the right thing'. Sometimes it goes against you - but I would so much rather be happy in myself that I had been honest than that I had anevening which promised more (may not have been as good as promised of course).

Decide which one you want to go to.

If leaving do, are you expected to go to it?  If so, tell beach friend that.  If not expected to go to it, but might be beneficial to the job to go to it.....

If beach, tell leaving do that you have a prior arrangement, and may not be back in time/not possible to be back in time to go to the do.


Tell her you have changed your mind and you're not going.

Why not just say could she rearrange beach day to next Saturday as would be best for you and you had forgotten about an evening leaving  'do' this Saturday... Simple!

Barry Island is forecast to be cloudy on Saturday ..... go to the leaving do !

Yeah, it'll be lush.

They would appreciate the truth, rather than find out your a liar in the future. 


Plus why lie when it's not like you got anything to hide?

I am surprised you have any friends, as you do not seem able to treat people with any level of honesty or respect.  

Why would you even think of using an "excuse" to get out of a commitment that you made to a friend.  And worse, asking other people on here to make up your "excuse" for you, because you cannot be bothered to think of one yourself.  

She may be your friend, but you are certainly not her friend, and sooner or later, she will realise that and dump you.

Then you will be coming on here, looking for sympathy because you have no friends.  

This post of yours shows that you actually do not deserve friends. 

And your 'friend' might read The Answerbank.  How embarrassing.

If your friend asked you first,then you should do the right thing and meet her. 

Is the  leaving do at Selco ? If so, you can decline as you have only been there a short time.

Friends deserve better 








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Its cloudy on Saturday and I'll tell her I got a leaving do and suggest another time. This is the friend I mentioned ages ago on here about not going to hers to get ready and friends with my friends of 12 years that don't bother with me since she moved in with her partner.

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If I didn't know the person from selco then maybe I wouldn't bother but we get on really well.

No need to make an excuse, just simply say that you do not fancy the beach and plus there is an event in the evening you would really like to go to.

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