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Spectator N0 2664 By Doc

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Matakari | 14:26 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

Good afternoon, an interesting Doc offering dealing with first names.
I’m stuck on this last clue for which I would appreciate help. Thanks in advance!
7d King at dance, losing weight ( 7 ) : ???R?E?



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I posted the same question just now Matakari on the existing thread


You are going tokick yourself!

Charles (ton)

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Many thanks, jj109!

Matakari,'interesting' is the very last word I'd have used for this puzzle! Still, I suppose variety is the spice of life, into each life a little rain must fall... I'm trying to think positive thoughts.

Hello, Neveracrossword - I'm inclined to agree with you regarding the quality (and poor editing) of recent puzzles. Mr Magoo's puzzles were always a special treat for me and he will be missed. I don't aspire to The Listener just yet but The Spectator's recent offerings have been a little underwhelming 

Thanks for your comments, Maxxer. I know puzzles have to be set at various levels, especially if newcomers are to be attracted, but I feel many of the Spectator crosswords are deeply disappointing for those who've been doing them for a long time.

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Spectator N0 2664 By Doc

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