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My Best Friend Calls Her Girlfriend ‘Daddy’

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Jellybean6040 | 01:39 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
3 Answers

My best friend has been dating an older women for a few months now and recently heard her call her 'daddy'. As first I thought it was a mistake until I heard her call her it again. Is something up?



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Hey, it sounds like you stumbled upon something that's got you a bit puzzled. You know, in relationships, people can have all sorts of pet names for each other. "Daddy" might be one of those – it could be a playful thing, or maybe it's just their way of being affectionate.

It's also possible that it has some other meaning to them that's special or comforting. Every couple is different, and what's important is that they're both cool with it.

If it's bugging you or you're worried for your friend, the best way to go about it is to just bring it up casually. You could say something like, "Hey, I heard something that took me by surprise, and I just wanted to check in – everything cool with you and your partner?" That way, you're showing you care without being too nosy.

But remember, it's their business at the end of the day. If they don't want to talk about it, just be there for them and respect their space.


What would be "up"?  It's just a nickname which, actually, is none of your business. 

Leave well alone, and don't antagonise your best friend by letting her see that you are being judgemental.  

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