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Learning To Crochet

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Barmaid | 23:33 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
11 Answers

I have inherited a quite lovely sewing box stand. As well as what appears to be some instruments of torture are a lot of crochet hooks. Thought I would teach myself how to do this. Have managed a very shaky chain stitch so far. Can anyone recommend a good website with diagrams to help please. NOT videos, I just don't get on with them.



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Don't know if you use FB barmaid but there is a group called CROCHET FOR BEGINNERS UK.  Looks pretty good.

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I'll have a look, Smow. Thank you. 

My grandmother taught me over 40 years ago, but I can't remember a thing. It's her box I have got, there is stuff in there that must be over 100 years old.

How lovely ...any chance of a photo ? can't help on the query side, though I'm doing quite a bit of crochet at the moment, trying to master the 'magic ring ' starter ....never knew I had so many thumbs 😒

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It's nothing special, Seekerz - although to me it is. It's a cheap bit of 1950s or 60s wood. Needs a tidy up, which I shall do. I don't care tho, it's Nanna's sewing box. She was a very accomplished seamstress. Once it's tidy, I'll post a pic. 

A lovely keepsake and reminder gran was a very accomplished knitter and taught me to knit years ago ☺️

That looks useful Chris! I. I've tried several times to crochet but never really succeeded. My Nan taught me to knit, which I'm actually pretty ok at & could knit most things, tho I've not done it for years. But both her and my mum tried to teach me to crochet but I just couldn't get the hang of it. Maybe I'll give it another go lol.

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Thanks,  Chris. It was the lionbrand site where I started with chain stitch. I'll try the others tomorrow. 

The instruments of torture are rag rug making tools. That sounds quite interesting.  Although I am not sure I need 5 prodders!

Take a look at the reviews for this book.  89% of reviewers award it 5 stars.  11% give it 4 stars.  Not one single reviewer scores it any lower than that. User Recommendation

That book looks amazing, Chris and not wildly expensive .....I'm almost tempted myself πŸ€—

I used to help with the rag rugs my gran made when I was a boy. We all did, it wasn't as girly as the crochet she did with fine silks and wool.

She was a prolific knitter, too.  I wore her hooded jumpers all through my childhood.

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