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Repeat Prescriptions

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douglas9401 | 11:01 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
30 Answers

I normally order my various potions and elixirs through Patient Access, have done for years now but suddenly I get

"Sorry, your GP practice has not made this service available to you."

Any ideas as to why this could be happening after having had the service available for so long?
Have I missed an update somewhere that others may know about?




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I gave upon that and now use NHS app to order repeats. 

* gave up



//  I gave upon that and now use NHS app to order repeats. //

Same for me!

Moonrakers think alike, it seems😊

Definitely Clementino, although I think a few ABers on here will wonder what a Moonraker is!

You don't have to use the NHS app, just register and log in on the NHS website. 

Now they have made repeat prescriptions possible directly, you don't need to use a third party like Patient Access.

 I would ring your GP practice and ask them what happened.

If Douglas's gp is anything like most of them I doubt it will do any good William. I suspect the gp has changed the way they manage the prescriptions, but predictably not considered the patient important enough to inform. That aside I think that all gp surgeries are now switching to online repeat, only, (if they are not already using that method) and eventually would like everyone to use the nhs app. What could possibly go wrong. "Sorry sir/madam we cannot supply you life saving medication at this time due to industrial action. We take all threats or bad behaviour directed towards out valuable colleagues seriously and will take action in the event of such demonstations of selfishness.""   

I had this happen when we had the outage(?) one Friday a few weeks ago.

I expect it is something wrong at your GPs. Ring reception they can sort it for you.

The same thing happened to me,four weeks later after one phone call and three visits to the surgery they have still not sorted it. I do not hold out much hope of getting it sorted.

they buy into a system and have changed their system


I switched to the NHS site to order, because of all the hiccups at patient access.  NHS have all your repeat prescriptions already in their system. I didn't have to tell my GP.. I just switched. 

 but predictably not considered the patient important enough to inform

no they have bought into a new system which they are assured is seamless

GP Rx is one of the great unsung NHS successes ( worked from day one) - no one cd believe it

I find the whole system a lottery - sometimes OK, sometimes impenetrable.  Having once run out, I now reorder well in advance as contingency for failure. 

Call me thick (and some wag will do) but what is patient access??

I pick my repeat prescription up once a month from a local chemist, no probs.

 nailedit.    .


My pharmacy in the local health centre has gone back to delivering prescriptions again. No charge for this service. 

I always order a week ahead on The NHS app . A day later,  my request is approved. Then the pharmacy let me know when it is ready for collection.

///I pick my repeat prescription up once a month from a local chemist, no probs.////

You're lucky, all three local Pharmacies have failed me at times. I now use an online one which has never let me down.

I order on Patient Access and usually they are delivered by my pharmacy next day, never later than 48 hours (unless I order on Friday or the weekend)

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