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What Did Your Parents Do Which Was Cultural Normal At The Time Yet Wrong These Days?

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bluefortress | 20:43 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | Family & Relationships
27 Answers

I was slapped in the face, around the head and I remember my dad getting me on the floor and sitting on me for 10 mins till I felt caustaphobic  and couldnt breath. He was half laughing. I would swear and shout at him but he wouldn't get off and would start tapping my mouth instead with his hand 

Depsite this my parents would generally be considered good and it was the 90's so it was within cultural norms. 



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Lots of things of course! I do things that are culturally a no-no now. T'was ever thus and always shall be.

If you swore and shouted at your dad, I'm not surprised he sat on you.  I am currently thinking of chucking a bucket of cold water over my grandson next time he throws a 2-yr-old's paddy.  I will have a soapy sponge ready to wipe hismouth out at the same time..... well, I can dream.

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Jourdain youve jumbled my words to fit some narrative. I swore at it when he was sat on me and I was panicking lol. 

Go ahead and throw that water

Took us to the pub where we sat in the children's room while they were in the saloon. And they drove home afterwards. 

Maybe within your cultural norms, some would say abusive and controlling.

How's the novel coming along?

//Depsite this my parents would generally be considered good and it was the 90's so it was within cultural norms. //

They wouldn't & it wasn't. (if true)

Back in the sixties?

Flog my butt,, lock me in my room,, send me to bed without dinner if I refused to eat it.

But it was served up as breakfast if I hadn't eaten the previous nights dinner,, 

Any punishment that was deemed acceptable back in those days

But, they knew no better.

Hopefully we know better these days🤔

But that was the days of "Spare the rod, spoil the child"

That wasn't culturally normal in the UK at any time.

It used to be normal for parents to leave their children in bed in chalets and caravans on holiday whilst they were in the site club.

The staff would walk round the site listening for crying children.  It wouldn't happen today.

We never had that sort of holiday so didn't experience it.

It surely was Clarion.

But, did it work?

I was a latchkey kid and so were my children. 

I came home from school, let myself in and prepared the veg for tea, turned the oven on. Laid the table and had the kettle boiling ready.



//That wasn't culturally normal in the UK at any time.//

Yeah right, ok, I nearly believed you🤭

//I was a latchkey kid and so were my children//

So you're bragging about your parents parenting ability and your own?


Where am I bragging? I'm answering the question, many children were in the same situation, parents worked. It wasn't illegal. It didn't bother or harm me nor my children.

//I was a latchkey kid and so were my children//

Not sure that's something I would be proud of in this day and age Barry

Where do you get the idea I am bragging or proud? 


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I used to walk into the weaving shed after school & watch my mum at work until her shift finished. Later I got a house key and went home instead, lighting the fire, doing chores, etc.

A mate of mine (before school age) accompanied his mum to the mill & played/slept there all day.


Eeeee but we was 'appy.

we had FREEDOM !!!!!!

Babies were left in their prams and pushchairs outside shops, hairdressers etc - they were far too big to be taken inside. 

Now people won't even leave their dogs outside whilst they nip in to the newsagents for the paper.

Strangers thought it acceptable to playfully poke babies in the tummy, put fingers in babies' mouths and sometimes press a 'lucky' coin in to the babies' hands.

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