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My Mum Said I Never Wanted To Know My Grandparents

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Treacle71 | 21:19 Sat 26th Oct 2024 | Family & Relationships
11 Answers

My grandparents lived 300 miles away whom I saw twice a year growing up. They never came to visit me as a child/toddler/baby/young teen - ever and the only time I saw them was when I used go there with my mum twice yearly. I'm 53 now and my grandparents died when I was mid teenage age. Now mum is saying I never liked them and never wanted to build a relationship with them, but how could I have built a relationship when I saw them twice yearly as a child? Even when we were going through trauma they never visit us. Now mum's blaming me for not 'getting along' with them and I don't get it? 🤷



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Ignore what she says - your mum sounds like a bitter and twisted old woman. 

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I think you're right, Toorak. She used to say I never liked them when I did see them, but it wasn't that, I was just shy and a very insecure child 🤷

I am sorry that you seem to be in a position when your mum tries to undermine you constantly. You come across as a nice but very indecisive person: I think your mum has undermined your confidence. 

My grand parents lived in a different country, I saw them once a year but I was encouraged to write to them every month.

Everytime your mother belittles you you come on here for advice and every time you are told the same thing.

Whats it going to take for you to move out ?

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You're right DDIL. So right 😢

You're one year younger than me, and you're still living with your mum? Time to move out. Even if you can't afford to buy or rent a flat, get a bedsit. Anywhere. You are wasting your life there. Your mum will complain, but tough. 

Leave home.

Bite the bullet now treacle, move out.

Has your mum always been same all throughout your life or is she worse now that she is older? I only ask that as we have a well loved family friend who, since she got into later years is different in her outlook now and always looking for negatives or pointing out negatives. Nothing is ever right. She is getting more forgetful and this is worrying her. I remember one of my own grandma's getting similar changes in later life. Just wanted you to consider that it might be early signs that her health changing. That may be why she is remembering things from past more clearly as maybe her short term memory suffering etc. Only you will know if this is how your mum has always been. Just wanting to offer other possible reasons for her odd or nasty behaviour/comments based on my own experiences.

That's a very thoughtful post Karamia 

Thank you Toorak.

I was not sure whether to post. I can only go by own experience. Early signs of dementia for example can show with people being rude uncomplementary or saying odd upsetting things without reason etc. Which we have experienced in our own family but know that we try not to take comments too seriously or let it upset us. It is hard though sometimes and if you are living with that person every day and must be more difficult. 

Treacle, if you look up signs of early dementia this may give some examples of what you are experiencing with your mum and may help you relate to some of the things your mum is saying to you.

Of course I'm no doctor and may be also quite wide of the mark here. Just hoping to give some options to explore. 


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