I never smack, or raise my voice, it's unnecessary. My kids are all free thinking, polite intelligent people who also don't feel the need to be agressive either towards adults or children. My own father beat the ***** out of me nearly everyday, breaking my arm and fingers, burning me, cutting me and eventually fracturing my skull on two seperate occasions, neither time did they take me to hospital, hence I have significant long term issues, memory, tremors, mood swings,anger and aggresion problems, odd sensation etc. Thankfully he was killed when I was seven. I appreciate that he was the exception rather than the rule to parents that think it's ok to hit, but he coloured the way I parent and I know that smacking is never necessary from personal experience of my own children's upbringing so I can never see why it's such a popularly held method of discipline. some really very nice, intelligent, decent people smack their kids, how and why can you come to that conclusion?