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Hi x well... like i said, a treat, i am a very health concious mum, and treat them once a week.. no sweets or crap other than one sweet chosen on a sat. They chose a milkshake. Unlike most parents that give thier kids **** every day!!!!! (mine get melons and strawberrys!)
And they are up late, went bed at 10pm, as we have family visiting, whom we see twice a year.
SO.... yes i prob do worry too much, but i do value other parents advice, as no kids come with instructions!! I wish i could chill a little, unfortunately thats not my nature, hence the fruit insted of sweets, crisps etc.. Healthy diet etc..
ANYWAY, back to the prob in hand, My 3 yr old has tummy probs, in the fact that she has vomited blood twice in the past yr, so i do worry it will happen again, they have never had food poisoning. probably as they dont eat crap foods!!
unlike myself, who just enjoyed a fab kebab!! yummy!
well... i am armed with a bottle of evian water for them. and bowls... AND I WILL NO LONGER ALLOW MY KIDS TO HAVE SHOP BOUGHT TREATS! Think i will bake my own cakes for the insted! So thanks in advance for any HELPFUL advice x sheri xx