Thanks for your reply.
Yes, I've been to Oz but it was a long time ago, so I can't really give you any prices. (It looks like others are doing that anyway).
However, I will recommend that you find time to visit Perth. It's the most isolated city in the world. Excluding the neighbouring communities, such as Freemantle (which is effectively a suburb of Perth), the distance to the next nearest town or city of any size is the same as from London to North Africa. Perth has a unique culture and it's a great tourist base for things like trips into the Red Desert. Western Australia is where you'll see kangaroos hopping across the roads and meet people (possibly with corks hanging from their hats) who go gold-prospecting every weekend. (Don't be fooled into thinking it's a 'backwater'. It's also where you'll meet more millionaires than anywhere else in Oz). I've met middle-aged people from Sydney who've never seen a kangaroo. Around Perth, they're a routine traffic hazard!
See here for information about Western Australia:
See here for information about visas (for working holidays) to Oz: y/index.htm
I've not been to NZ but I've heard great things about the country. Details of the working holiday scheme are here: work/workingholiday/unitedkingdomworkingholida yscheme.htm
I also endorse the idea of investigating the cost of a 'round the world' ticket. These usually work by permitting you an unlimited number of flights, for a specified period (often a yea