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Really bizarre question....

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the millster | 20:33 Wed 18th Apr 2007 | Family & Relationships
6 Answers
Is there a website where you can give pictures of yourself and your partner so you can see what your children would look like? I'm just feeling really broody at the moment and I was wondering if it was possible to do this! Sorry, weird I know!


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No it's not weird - I often find myself wondering the offspring of Robbie Williams and myself would look like...

Sorry, I can't actually answer your question but I am interested and will have lots of fun if someone does find such a site!
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Oh cheekychops! Robbie Williams, really?! My cousins in love with him, there would be a fight to the death! I'm more of a Johnny Depp kinda girl myself, unfortunately my man doesn't resemble him in any way, more like a less squinty, non grey haired Richard Gere, so it's not all bad!
Could look like surely? There's no guarantee what your children will look like. You could have 6 children and they might all look different or you could have 6 children who all look the same. Mr Spudqueen and I have two boys, one looks like Mr Spudqueen and the other one like my brother, but there are no guarantees with this.
There is no 'could' about it, definately 'would' or even WILL look like where me and Mr Williams are concerned.

He keeps moaning that he needs to find a nice girl from Stoke on Trent - I'M HERE ROBBIE!!!!
he must be desperate if he wants a girl from this neck of the woods lol
i don't see how, as you are adults.

the pictures are just mixes of your own features, and babies faces rarely bear a resemblance to their adult selves.

you may find a computer whizz to do something, but it would take time and money, i doubt there is any automatic software.

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Really bizarre question....

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