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cameronang | 19:14 Tue 26th Jun 2007 | Family & Relationships
5 Answers
In Germany they have a specific name for when the father of the bride walks her down the aisle. Do we have a name for it in the UK? Thanks in advance xx


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Yes, it is called the Wedding Processional.

Walking back up the aisle with the groom after the wedding is the Wedding Recessional.
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Thank you xx
It is a common misapprehension, but the centre of the churchthat the bride walks down is the Nave, the Aisles are at the side.
The nave may contain a centre aisle - unlike cathedrals, many parish churches are not large enough to possess aisles which flank the nave or follow the walls.
What is the name in Germany?
I don't think I have ever heard of it!

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