Question Author
That's a very interesting document! Thanks for sending the link!
I can't really move my son. We are a three bedroom house. I'd have to put him back with his sister, and really they are getting too old for that. It would make the room redundant. As for putting his sister in there, does that mean it's okay because she isn't asthmatic? The smell makes us all gag. I think we'll put him back in his sister's room for now, and try to talk to neighbours. It's a case of catching the husband in. We really don't seem to get on with the wife.
I don't expect them to stop, that would be a miracle, but unexpected. However, I don't want a row over it. I just feel we shouldn't have to put up with smoke when we have made a conscious decision not to be smokers We have a right not to be exposed, hence the reason the law came in for public places. A member of the family is a joiner, I'll see if he will have a look under the floorboards. Could help us find the problem area. Thanks for advice.