Did you ever see a programme called The House of Tiny Tearaways? Parents would stay in the house with their children who had various problems - bad behaviour, tantrums, not sleeping, faddy eating (mind you, sometimes it was the parents who had the problem). Anyway, this Dr. Tanya Byron would sort them out. There were children who lived on very limited diets, like your daughter, and the parents couldn't get them to try anything new. Tanya would withhold the favourite food, having it there, and getting them just to give a new food a kiss, then they could have their yoghurt or crisps. They would get huge applause and praise. The next step would be to lick the new food and then next time to taste just a little bit before they could have the item they wanted. I don't know if your daughter is too young for this method but it always worked amazingly on the programme. Of course, you have to be firm in not giving the favourite food if they don't comply with you asking them to kiss the new food, etc.