A gift 4 my husband in The AnswerBank: History
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A gift 4 my husband

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MrsKnutson | 07:31 Sun 25th May 2008 | History
13 Answers
Hi me and my husband married on dec of 07 and got pregnant in jan. shortly after finding out we were pregnant they switched his deployment so he was no longer going in march, he was going in april which would mean that he won't be home in time for the birth. He will be back two weeks after the birth and I am wondering what you think I should do special as a return home/ new daddy type thing. I want to say a cute gift and our son in a welcome home daddy outfit but I have no idea on what kind of gift. Please help.


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I think thats a wonderful thought, and he'll be so proud of both you and the new addition when he comes home, but you don't give much information,
I'm assuming its a military gift your thinking of, so, which branch of the services is he in?.

Sorry, I almost forgot,

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He is in the marine corp. I want somethin that will welcome him home and since he would be gon for our sons birth I want something that would welcome him into fatherhood as well. And I just don't know what to get that isn't cheezy or to girly.
US or British Royal Marines?
Maybe a nice cuban cigar and a silver whiskey flask?
I suspect he'll find having a new son is all the welcome he'll need. (And to be honest it may be all that you'll feel like preparing, two weeks after a birth.)
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He is with the USMC. Well see he hates the fact that hes not here for the pregnancy and he won't get to see the ultrasounds other than when I send them and won't get to be there for the delivery. For me I get to watch my belly grow and I get to hold him after giving birth and I want to try to transition him into it... Its confusing but I have heard of many people doing something like this for there deployed spouses I just don't know exactly what.
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How about something along the lines of max's suggestion, along with a family gathering?Just for when he gets home, once the family have gone, as jno says, all he'll want is you and the baby, and not too much fuss.

Good question, never occurred to me.
I'm not sure about the U.S welfare package for their troops, in the British Army there is a facility for service personnel's family's to keep in touch via email. Perhaps you could take photos and add them as an attachment? Also we try and get our servicemen home in time for the birth, not always possible as a Cpl from my old unit can testify as he arrived home from Iraq one day late for the birth of his 2nd son, thus he was able to bond with the lad, support his wife's return home from the hospital and be there with his new family for 2 weeks until he returned to complete his tour. Does the US Marine Corps do this?
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My brother in law is in the marine corps as well and when my sister went into labor they allowed him to come home and we are all stationed together but when my husband tried to talk about it to his commanding officer he said that they couldn't allow it. Photos would be great but they aren't allowed to open files from email just in case of viruses.
Mobile phones (cell phones) have cameras, some have a video capability, can you send him photos/video clips via these? Are American servicemen allowed to have them on operational tours?
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No they are not allowed phones or PDA's or anything. A friend of ours was actually able to sneak his with him and used it and got a 2000 dollar phone bill so I am scared about that but no they can't. Thanks for all your help... Atleast I'm not the only one that is having trouble :) Though there has been some very good ideas. Thank you
What about getting a camcorder and get someone to record all of your scans and stages of pregnancy and the birth then put it on tape/CD for him for when he gets back?

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