I thought that the daughter would be my double cousin but that's why I'm asking its very complicated. My mother is the 1/2 Aunt to My grand uncles daughter and his wife is my mothers half sister so she is my 1/2 Aunt but she is ALSO my grand Aunt isnt she???
there is no such thing as a double cousin, and i'm sceptic as to whether there is even such a thing as "grand uncle" there is no such thing as a 1/2 aunt either, surely?
I was just on another site and we do not have great uncles unless they come from our great grand parents so they are called our grand uncle and aunts if they are brothers and sisters of our grandfathers or grandmothers .I know its difficult but I'm trying to do a family tree and I would like to get this right but yep I think you are right on that the daughter is my cousin but we are double blood related. Her father is a brother to my grandfather and her mother is my mother s half sister so she is definately my Aunt on my mothers side But thanks alot for the help. They are Irish I know they drink but they do not play the Banjo LMAO
i dont profess to know anything about geanealogy, so if someone who does has given you advice i would take that over mine. I am simply telling you what i think is in common usage. In our family i call my mother and fathers aunts and uncles simply aunt and uncle, as my parents do, not "double grand aunt" lol
Oh I know ... I do the same I just call them all aunts uncles and cousins but if you try to do an actual family tree its way more technical ....I'm so confused.... I have a headache thinkin bout it especially when they name there kids the same names oh my have you tried to do a family tree? But I do thank you for all your input! I'm going with cousin lol.