it's not only that fact that he does them the risk is ur girl could be affected seriously.
imagine she found some and took it.
also when she gets older and god forbid she took drugs too you wouldn't have a leg to stand on as she would say Dad takes them!!
Also it's not just the drugs it's the effect it has on the person even when not using i.e paronia etc and could lead to a stronger addiction i.e herion and he could end up stealing from ur home and even ur child to get the next fix
I must agree with oldgrape, for the sake of your little daughter and yourself, you can't take a chance that he'll tell you he's stopped using drugs, when in fact nothing's changed at all, don't prolong the agony, be brave, move on,and take good care of yourself and your little girl. Good Luck..........welsh
I am so very sorry for your problem , but you must walk away from this for your little girl.But plan your exit carefully and get family and and friendsto help you if you can
Do not put your self and child at risk , but get a move on and do it..
I wish you the very best.
Scaredycat, you can't allow this to destroy your trust in everyone, you just need to focus on sorting out this problem first, and then you can move on with your life, I know it's hard to know who you can trust these days, but just take things slowly in the future, and as I said earlier, take care of you and your little girl.........................welsh