Auntie or Aunty?? in The AnswerBank: Family & Relationships
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Auntie or Aunty??

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x31tna | 20:29 Thu 20th Nov 2008 | Family & Relationships
17 Answers
My beautiful sister gave birth to a gorgeous 8.5lb baby born this morning and i can honestly say i have never felt so much happiness...

I was just wondering though why does auntie have two different spellings and am i an auntie or an aunty??

it doesnt really make much of a difference because i love him so so much and i dont care what he calls me but it was just out of curiosity xxxxxx
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congrats to you, auntie! (in my opinion!)

you also get nanna, nana.. who cares? enjoy your new status :o)
They are both pet names for 'aunt', like mama, pops and bro are pet names.

The plural of 'aunt' is 'aunties'.

As 'aunty' is not a proper word you can spell it however you like
Auntie, I think. Congratulations!
Auntie definately - and congrats to your sister and hello little man! enjoy... xx
auntie is english
aunty is welsh
plus if you type in aunty it comes with a red line underneath.

congrats! hope she is beautiful - i bet she is! :)
I've always written Auntie.

So, congrat's to you Auntie x31tna & family - welcome little one too!
I believe it's Auntie, could be wrong though! Congratulations anyway!!
aunty myself , but who cares !! XXX
I'd say it was auntie, but it not important, the sentiment counts.

Congratulations :)
Lovely news, auntie!
I'm an Auntie.

Congratulations, it's ACE being an auntie - it's quite a surprise just how much love you feel for him, isn't it.

Where I'm from, the slang way of saying Auntie is pronounced 'Un tee', as a result, I'm known as Untee Bunty (My name isn't Bunty LOL).
I;m an auntie to 2 beautiful niblings :-) Congrats
Yep, I'm my niece's auntie. :)
In the definition in the dictionary it says AUNTIE followed by aunty in brackets.
Congratulations Auntie x31tna!
One of my little nephews couldn't pronounce Auntie Ali ... try as he might, it always came out as AllyLally! Somehow the name stuck and my fourteen nieces and nephews all call me that, even though the eldest is now 23!
LOL, my (now adult) brother is 5 years younger than me, when he was a child, he couldn't pronounce my name, which is Lindsey, so he called me Ingy. He still does sometimes LOL.
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thank you for your lovely answers and congrats!!!

He really is soooo beautiful he makes my heart melt.

They have just decided on a name too....Alfie


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Auntie or Aunty??

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