My husband and my brother in law both have a huge poster of a naked woman in their old bedroom wall back home... Now my 14 year old brother and 5 year old niece will be sleeping in that room for 2 weeks while their on holiday... I told my husband that we could take down the posters while their there as to me its very disrespectful especialy since my niece is only 5, but my husband and brother in law think its normal and that there is no need to take them down... Am I in the wrong here???
If Tamborine's suggestion isn't possible, I suggest you put your foot down about the posters being removed. It is not an ideal environment for children, particularly the 5yr old.
Tell those silly men to wake up and get real!! Ask your husband how he would feel if it was HIS little girl sleeping in there...OR hs son. Children are exposed to enough crap on telly and in advertising,without ALSO getting it in the home! There is nothing 'normal' about. if needs be-just take the poster down yourself.(neatly if possible)
tamborine - That is not possibel for the simple reason that I am not asking for much and wouldnt even want my brother in that room...
pastafreak - I completely agree with you.. I did mention to him how would he feel if it was our children one day... he replied he wouldnt have a problem with it and that I am just too traditional in the way I was brought up...
A family home is to be respected and I don't agree with having those things around if adults want them hide them away but don't leave it in plain view for children...
BTW - these posters were put up when they were 7 or so... Isnt that ridiculously young for that? Or am I traditional like he says?
depends on the poster. I don't have a problem with nudity as such; at the very least it's educational. But if it's clearly sexual in nature it shouldnt be in a little girl's room. In fact we've never had posters like that in our whole house, but that's not necessarily something I'd order on everyone.
jno - lets just say its not a very educational poster... I am not stopping them from putting whatever they want on their wall they are grown men however my 5 yearl niece will be in that room and I don't think it's too much to ask to simply remove it while she stays there...
I don't agree with posters like that in a family home I find it disrespectful and my huband finds it normal regardless of your age or what sort of home it is...
Obvioulsy this has caused arguments between us... He ripped his off the first time we went there (before we were married) as I told him I found it disrespectful, which now I think back was probably going too far but this time I don't think I am as it's children sleeping there...
Your husband accepts it as it is what HE grew up with. But he needs to realise that attitudes about children and sex/soft porn have changed. If he has his nieces welfare at heart,then it is not too much to ask that the posters are taken down while she is in that room.
i do not consider myself a prude but I think it is not appropriate. Is this your home - do you not have any objections to your husband having pics of naked men on the wall??
Well, I fully trust my brother but I know where your going... you never know...
My husbands pride is HUGE that he won't back down and admit he is wrong even after being prooven he is wrong... It's a pointless argument and I wish he would see that it's not a huge deal to take it down...
If he doesnt give in I will rip it regardless of whos it is...
no i don't mean it like that, just that he may well be errr feeling certain emotions shall we say and that could be really embarrasing for the poor kid, esp with a 5 year old shouting out that xxxxx was playing tents at night!
SuDFB, what does the mother of your 5 yr old niece think of this?
If all else fails the best way to handle this is softly, softly. No arguements, no confrontations. Take the poster down, state that it is inappropriate material for a 5 year old to view, hand it to your husband/brother-in-law to do with as they please.