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How should i greet her?

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mollykins | 16:25 Tue 11th May 2010 | Family & Relationships
15 Answers
I meeting ym 24 year old neice for the first time this weekend. However, i have sent a few mesages to her on facebook so we're not complete strangers.

What do you suggest i do? When she first met her dad (my brother), she flung her arms round him and called him dad.


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Give her a hug molly and if you know of something she likes maybe a CD or something not too expensive to give to her....
Do as redman says, imagine she's a sheep, & give her a big hug.LOL
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'imagine she's a sheep!!!!!!!!!????????????????'
-- answer removed --
Definitely a hug.
anything you force yourself to do with look false.
Just see how you feel when you meet her
French kissing is best, one on each cheek its the european way of greeting people.
meeting her dad may have been more overwhelming for her than meeting her aunty. Just do what you feels right at the time. a hug may be too much.
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i supose so forgetmenot, but i don't know how many people she'll meet at once, there could be lots at one time or a couple of people each day.
i'm not touchy - feeley and i wouldn;t hug anyone i didn't know well and i'd hate it if anyone did that to me. waiti till you see her and see what feels right, like Red says anything you force will just look false
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I'm not a very huggy person and it'll be the first time in a situation like this.
that shouldnt matter.
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She'kll probably be more emotional and overwhelmed and in a excited, huggy mood if there's loads of people at once.
why will she? some people just arent huggy people!
well if she is then hug her. Do whatever she does.

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How should i greet her?

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