Well I feel like such a terrible mother, my 7mth old baby fell off bed this morning and after the initial shock of crying he has been fine ever since and shown no signs of injury, he didn't even have any marks. I just have this nagging doubt at the back of my mind should I have taken him to hospital 'just in case'. Surely they wouldn't be able to do anything? Wha do others think?
I would think he is absolutely fine. Mine son fell off the bed when he was three months old (he was always really mobile) he slid down off the bed between the bed and wall and I felt like such a terrible Mum. If he's been fine all day then I wouldn't worry. Forgive yourself! These things happen.
i think youll find its happened to a lot of mums. Both of mine have fallen off bed at some time. The eldest did it when he first learnt to roll. One day he was imobile, the next i put him on bed, walked to other side of room and turned to watch his big smile as he rolled across the bed and promptly fell on floor.
If he seems fine and has been all day then chances are he is fine
My daughter did it at about 3 months - first time she'd ever sat up by herself and took a header onto the wooden floor. She was fine, but unfortunately her dad was there and of course it was all my fault, I was irresponsible, could have killed her, unfit mother etc etc. The fact that he was c;loser to her than I was at the time was completely irrelevant. Men!
awww i know how your feeling because the same thing happened to me too when my son was about 4 months, i absolutley broke my heart, i cried more than him actually lol. Youve kept a eye on him and you think hes fine, as long as he is showing no distress i wouldnt worry too much, babies area alot tougher than we think. Ps try not to let it eat you up to much, weve all been there, done it and wore the t-shirt. big cwtches xxxx