i am feeling really numb i havent cried yet its really strange putting on a bit of a brave face as my daughter has a party to go to and i dont want her knowing till she gets back.
Some people may critize about posts like this , i had some negative feedback when i did a previous post about how ill he was but to those who showed support thankyou so much.
To those who didnt this is a relief for me to write on hear as my shoulders are only so big for my family my partner is very supportive but is not here hes at work at the moment he will be home shortly rest in peace uncle d i will miss you so very much xxxxx
Bereavement is a terrible thing,I offer my condolences,I don't know how old your Daughter is but as a parent of a young Daughter myself I'd let her go to the party then tell her.
All the best x
Sorry about your loss zzxxee.
If it helps you then post what you like, I didn't find anything wrong with your last post. At times like that just getting it off your chest and writing (typing) it down can help a great deal. xxx
Sorry about your loss zzxxee, it's hard to lose someone you were close to. Only time will make it easier to remember him with a smile instead of a tear.
wingnut i have always put my thoughts into writing/typing and it does help
thanks to you and others for your kind words
joss thanks for your condolences but at times like these opinions about if it is right or wrong to post doesnt help
it helped me !!!
I've been there myself, so dont worry about letting off steam!
I know how it feels to be so choked up, and just have the need to talk to some one, and there's no-one there, as they are grieving too.
I hope things get easier for you as time goes by xx