Some of you will have seen that me and my boyfriend split up on the weekend. We met up last night to talk and I still don't really understand. He swore there was nobosy else and just said things have changed. Straight after I left Sam last night I bumped into his Dad while I was buying cigarettes and he said he has been a total c0ck. I really don't know what to do with myself. I am so in love with him and have spent the past 3 days and most of today so far in tears. There seems to be reminders of him everywhere and I can't stop thinking about him. I'm just so sad. I don't really have many friends I can confide in and although I do have sisters I could talk to, the only one who lives close by has enough on her plate. All I can keep thinking about is things that are coming up that we should have been doing together and now it's all gone down the toilet. From tomorrow I have the rest of the week off work as we were supposed to be going away together but instead he will be coming round to collect the rest of his things. Please can someone tell me how to make this feel better? I don't want to cry anymore.
You're expecting too much too soon. Just know that in time you will feel better. There's a good chance you will go on to meet someone else and realise that you didn't love Sam as much as you thought you did.
ahhhh honey im sorry your feeling like this xx
its bound to feel very raw at the moment and only time will make you feel better
do what you have to do cry sleep hit a pillow and each day you will get that little bit stronger
good luck babe xx
start looking at all his negatives put them in a list i bet theres loads then when you cant think of anymore
ask yourself "i was with you why?????"
you will feel better in time i promise !!!!
its going to take a while milly, there are no instant fixes. Boxing his stuff up and getting rid helps a little bit as there are less reminders but at the same time its very final
His Dad just said Sam was being unfair to everyone. He hadn't told them why and they said he was making a mistake. Sam had actually followed me to the garage (I got out of his car and straight into mine to go there when we were done talking) and has said it was to see where I was going. Why it matters to him I don't know but purely by chance his dad showed up and I guess he must have seen my car as he came looking for me straight away. He turned around and saw his Dad talking to me and drove off again. I don't know what he was going to do if he hadn't seen him there. It seems nobody knows what he is thinking. He has just sent me a message saying he had a long night thinking and asking if it is ok to see me tomorrow still, which is when he is supposed to be picking the rest of his things up. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.
Make sure all his stuff is boxed and in the hallway ready for him to take away. It's easy for me to say this but try not to show him you have been crying or even want him back. Some people seem to get off on the ego trip that they are still wanted even after causing such upset.
I have been on the receiving end a couple of times and in a strange way, made me feel much better and stronger not showing them much reaction to the situation (i.e. thinking "it's their loss").
I asked why he followed me and he said he wanted to see where I was going. I asked why it mattered and he just said because everything still matters to him. In hindsight, maybe it wasn't a good idea to jump straight into my car while he was still there.
The reason the rest of his things are bagged up is because aside from all his shoes, the rest of it is DVD's, CD's, books etc and I genuinely don't know what is his and what is mine. I don't want any arguements about trying to keep things that arent mine.
I'm so glad I can come on here and let things out when there doesn't seem to be much other option. I'm sorry to make you all miserable on a Tuesday morning.
my sister just broke up with her boyfriend, she has been off work for about 3 weeks now. theres not much we can say that will help to be honest. only that if he walks out the door. you flippin well shut it behind him.
no one that you want to spend the rest of your life with would do that to you. x
I suppose he could have been wanting to know where I was going because he thought I had someone else, although it is quite unlikely. I have never given him any reason to be suspicous of me and I don't think he has ever felt like I might be up to something. I don't really have much of a social life so it would have been pretty obvious if I was up to something and he knows I have doted on him since we have been together. Still, maybe you are right. Maybe he thinks I'm the one not being straight about things.