Current Affairs0 min ago
Mother’s Day
This weekend is Mother’s Day. Traditionally a day for mum to be a bit pampered perhaps breakfast in bed and a lie in. Sometimes a more extravagant day is planned; a trip away or quality alone time at a day spa can be a real treat for hard working mums. In the UK the day is more usually called Mothering Sunday but the term Mother’s Day is now more wide spread.
However you plan to spend your Mother’s Day do make the effort as there are plenty of mums out there in families and on their own who do not get a break and need a bit of love.
Let us take a minute to remember why we have Mother’s Day in the first place. It is widely believed that it is loosely based on an ancient Greek festival celebrating Cybele which was usually held around the Vernal Equinox. A religious festival celebrating motherhood has been existent in Europe since Neolithic times. So to say the tradition of honouring your mother is old is to understate the fact.
Many older mums whose partners have passed on find the day very hard especially if the kids do not really make much of an effort. They would love to see their families on this special day and get a little quality time with the grandchildren.
Many mums nowadays work as well as keeping the home running smoothly. Often after getting home from a hard day in the office they have to pick up the kids and cook the dinner. Then after the kids are in bed the work doesn’t stop; there is the cleaning up to do and making lunches for the next day, maybe they will get to sit down around 9pm only to watch TV for half an hour and fall asleep in their cup of tea.
The message is to make an effort and do something great for your mum this weekend as she has been doing great things for you your whole life.
If you would like to know more about Mother’s Day why not ask AnswerBank Family.