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What Is The Point ?

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anneasquith | 11:26 Tue 01st Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
what IS the point of non alcoholic wine/beer/lager ?


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It depends whether you like the taste. Drinking is also about having something to do with your hands and filling in gaps in the conversation
If you don't drink, or can't drink, you can go into the pub with your friends and at least it looks as if you are doing the same as they are. Hopefully they will not notice, not that my friends ever do, but just in case.
Sorry- boring answer, I know.
For those that like the taste, but for whatever reason don't want the alcohol.
I personally don't like sugary soft drinks, and there is only so much fruit juice you can drink.

I remember drinking non alcoholic lager in Saudi Arabia. They were so strict that it couldn't even be called beer. It was 'malt brew'.
I prefer to drink non alcoholic beer if im abstaining for any reason, it doesnt get so sweet and sickly after a pint or two. Just a matter of taste really, just so expensive!!
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your forgiven factor :)
I hate 'in the woods' drinks, so I keep out to avoid offence
What's an 'in the woods' drink?

Is that a brown paper bag from the offy, drunk in a copse of trees?
if you are a non drinker, non alcoholic beers and wines are a nice change from pop/juice or tea
I don't see any point to them, if I want to stay sober I'm quite happy to drink Tonic with a slice or a diet coke, whichever way you do it, pricewise there is no encouragement to stay off the alcohol.
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i think they are a total ' rip off '
hopkirk, it means drinks bought for you by others & held at the bar (wood).
>> 'in the woods' drinks,
ok ty.
Biker doesnt drink alcohol but likes the comraderie of pub atmosphere; non alcos like ginger beer suit
My partner can't drink lager due to his medical condition , but Becks Blue
he can as it's not very gassy and it looks like a normal beer ....
its just a another drink anne, I wouldn't consider it a rip off, its as affordable as juice, fizzy drinks, sparkling fruit juices like appletise, coffee, hot chocolate ect ect

not sure why you have an issue with it
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'' not sure why you have an issue with it ''? :) :)
I too used to drink that non alcoholic stuff in Saudi Hopkirk but we always found something to help perk it up.

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