Morning all - oh one can go very wrong with amazon Shaney, when I boldly order my duvet covers, the one click didn't work, and the order trebledin the basket, I quickly left the page and had to get in touch with Amazon to clear the basket, then I tried again and managed to order them, at a ridiculous delivery price, two duvet covers were £30 for the two ,and I paid £80 in all, that's delivery to Spain so am very careful now!
Cat is driving us mad at night now, she can open the cat gate and keeps slamming it until Mr N gets up tp let her in, this is a new trick as for 12 yrs she used to get on an outside table under my window and shout and I would nip up and open the window and let her in, no problem, but now!!!
Seems sunny but am in bed, having already been up, trailed down the land to shut the gate after Mr N's departure, cleaned the patio inc mopping, fed the feral cats, and put the washing on, refilled all the cat bowls with water. Having my mug o tea!
Hi Robi hope you are feeling better.
Have a good day all of you !