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slocjo | 19:26 Wed 30th Apr 2014 | Drinks
21 Answers
Why is Guinness the best beer in the world....I love the black stuff...


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I don't like all!
Puts hairs on yer chest :+)
once you start drinking it, its hard to go back to something else.
It's lovely with cheese and onion crusty rolls.
It's not.
Mmm, I love Guiness. I used to have one a week while feeding my child on the orders of the health visitor. Must buy some again.
Years ago, if you looked at the water in the River Liffey, you realised where Guinness got it's colour!
dont like it
Love it
Black poop.
The Marmite of the licensed trade? (Well, it's the same colour!).
Its the dogs dangly bits IMHO I can make six or seven pints disappear at lunch time no need for solids :-)
I don't mind the odd half but it's too strong a taste for me. Lovely in a beef stew though!
Right on LyndaB!
I make my own beef and ale pies and it has to be Guinness in it.
very high in calories I think :(
A decent brew and a popular Drink for many.
There are different varieties especially the Export ones which are usually stronger.
However, there are far superior Stouts brewed by different Breweries on the Market, and of varying strengths.
I like a glass of Stout now and again, but my usual drinking preference is a good IPA style Beer of around 5-6% ABV
Can I get you a Tactical Nuclear Penguin with that, redman?
Ha Ha Ha !! Dave
That was a Drink and a half wasn't it !! :-))
Yep - frightening :)
love it so long as it's draught

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