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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:08 Fri 14th Apr 2017 | ChatterBank
159 Answers
Friday. Overcast this morning, but not so chilly outside,

Tiggy is still rootling about in the garden, he's enjoying himself. He had a change of menu for his supper last night, the fat trimmings from a pork steak poached in cider, and same from some ham I bought from my butcher. He thought it was his birthday, It might be for all I know!

I've got the joy of washing a bag of potatoes I bought from the farm yesterday. I know how to have fun!
Have a happy day everyone.


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Up already​ WBM ?
Those 2 hours kip went fast !
Question Author
Morning OG. I've been up for two hours. Got four hours sleep, in two bits though.

How are you this morning?
I'm ok. Usual story, woke up, decided to use bathroom, and not dropped back off afterwards. In my defence the charging tablet was lighting up the room as some charging screen was preventing it turning off. I went to remove lead, opted to have a quick check here, and I'm still here ! Trust you are ok.
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That's one way of starting the day!

I woke up as usual when brain decided it's time I was up and about, sometimes I wish it would mind it's own business! :o}

I'm fine thanks, well, as fine as I'm going to be.
I thought one was supposed to leave the potatoes covered in dirt until it's time to use them. I'm no expert on spuds, but aren't they supposed to keep better like that ?

Ham & steak for tea eh; that does sound a fun time. Trust you kept some cider back to swill it down with.
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Oh yes. Weston's still cloudy cider, lovely stuff. Tiggy knows where he's well off. :o} I think he like the cider flavour of the pork steak. I could almost see him licking his chops!

I will wash the potatoes I want for today, I keep them in the bag in the shed. I buy them from the farm, £7 for a 25 kilo sack.
Morning chaps. It's a *** this waking up lark. Usual trip to the loo, followed by a quick peek at the iPad, result, read news and later snooze.
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Morning david. It's one way of starting the day mate. How are you apart from that?
Fine boaty thank you. Good Friday so family from mainland coming over for the weekend. Hope you are tolerably well.
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As well as can be thank you David. Looking out the window it isn't that good! As long as it stays dry I won't mind, I want to get the car cleaned inside.
You always seem to keep yourself busy, good on you.
I prefer a more sedate er lazy existence due to health issues plus laziness.
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I do have lazy days, but I like to keep active while I can. Health issues limit what I can do though.
I'm going to try for a bit more kip. Be good to yourself.
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Sleep well my friend.
Morning Boaty xx OG xx David xx
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Morning minty xxx How are you this morning my lovely?
fine ta..hope to get shed done today, weather was too changeable yesterday, but got all the grass cut..happy neighbour !
Question Author
Well done minty.

Yesterday we didn't get the threatened rain, but it looks like we might get some today. I want to get my mini Gtech in action cleaning the inside of the car.
the funeral cortege for the young neighbour was in the cul de sac yesterday afternoon....everybody stopped their activities and stood heads bowed as she left for the final time....very very sad..even though I did not know the girl I had a wee tear or two trickling....
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I can understand that minty. A tragic loss at any age, even more so for one so young.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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