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Saturday Punt - 6 July 2024

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Ken4155 | 09:46 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | Other Sports
4 Answers

Today's ITV7 consists of 3 races from Beverley, and 2 each from Haydock (1st leg 2.05) and Sandown.

The usual £50K Saturday jackpot awaits anyone psychic enough to predict all 7 winners.

Good luck with that 😉



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3 from Haydock and 2 each from Beverley and Sandown Ken. 

Question Author

I should've gone to Specsavers, Togo. Wait a minute, i did!

Question Author

Most likely would have gone to Haydock today but we had a big family get-together last night to bid bon-voyage to one of my grandsons, who flies out to Australia tomorrow on a 12 month work visa, and we're all a little too tender to be experiencing the hustle and bustle (not to mention noise) of a race meet. The place we went for our meal didn't have Black Sheep (which i enjoyed last time i was there) so i finished up on Newcy Brown. Needless to say, i slept well.

I knew if i tried to give grandson some sterling to go with, he'd refuse it (or try to) so i got him 180 AD and told him he had to take it because it was no good to me. Proving that daft, old Grandad Ken still has some 'smarts'. Jiust hope i've ade some 'smart' choices here.....................

2.05 Hay;  Dramatic Star @ 9/2 - 5 places

2.25 San;  Perotto @ 6/1 - 4 places

3.15 Hay;  Relentless Voyager @ 11/2 - 5 places

4.25 Hay;  Spirit Genie @ 14/1 - 5 places

4 x £2 wins, 20p L15, 2 x £1 e.w. accas. 4 placed = £58, 4 winners = £7,399.

ITV7; above qualifiers, plus;  Uncle Don, Tiffany, Persian Blue and Clove Hitch. £1 e.w. acca.

Couple of rev f/cs; R Voyager & Epic Poet - Spirit Genie & Billyjoh

Best of luck, all.

On handy myself Ken and still in recovery mode like you. Long, long day on Thurs doing poll clerk duty that left me shattered. Better after a good sleep last night and gonna have a little walk if the rain has ceased and then a pint and home for the game. ITV7 as per and a couple of bets around it. *****E/W Acca, Win 4 timers and Trebles. ### E/W Trixie. Good Luck.

Tryfan  @20/1  2.05H#
Rajeteriat  @7/4  2.15B*
Classic  @7/1  2.25S*
Tiffany  @11/4  2.40H*
Stash The Cash  @5/2  2.50B*
Spiritual  @16/1  3.00S#
Epic Poet  @11/2 3.15H*

With##  Mister Sketch @11/1 4.25H#  This is the only runner out today from the Emir of Qatar's Wathnan racing stable. A lot of dosh has been spent on a string and he wants it back. 

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Saturday Punt - 6 July 2024

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