Oolong Tea in The AnswerBank: Drinks
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Oolong Tea

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1977Nicky | 08:55 Thu 06th Sep 2007 | Drinks
5 Answers
Has anyone had any experience with drinking Oolong tea and if so has anyone seen any health or slimming benefits. How many cups did you drink per day? Thank you!
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It tastes vile!
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Ha ha - I have some (got it yesterday) and I think it tastes alright actually! It says to brew for 2 - 4 mins and I tend to stick to the 2 mins as it can be quite bitter when you leave it in for longer. I am used to green teas and stuff so maybe that's why I can put up with it!
never heard of it
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Thanks legend - very helpful!!! :-)
I drink good quality oolong tea bought from China which is delicious. there are 100s of varieties of oolong. If you are looking for health benefits including slimming try pu-erh tea I highly recommend it.

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