alcohol in The AnswerBank: Drinks
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suna | 22:56 Sat 20th Sep 2008 | Drinks
2 Answers
dose anyone think you could make a very simple alcohol with water suger and yeast only
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Yeast is a living (fungal) substance, which must have something to live on. It can't survive on sugar alone, so your suggestion wouldn't work.

For a cheap addition to get it to work, just throw in a few spuds and then distil the resultant product. That, so I'm told is, how hooch is brewed in prisons. It's said to have one hell of a kick. The only downside is that as well as producing ethyl alcohol, there's a risk that bacterial activity will also produce methyl alcohol. The former is the psychoactive drug which you're aiming to produce, the latter is highly toxic.

IMO you would make an alcohol drink using only yeast, sugar and water - but it would taste pretty horrible!

Sugar is 100% fermentable, the yeast would convert the sugar into alcohol (C02 is a by-product of this action).

Buenchico is right in saying yeast is a fungal substance but will quite happily chomp its way through sugar suspended in a liquid without any other matter being present.

Your biggest risk is bacteria. Make sure everything the drink comes into contact with has been sterilised in a bleach solution (5ml per litre) and then rinsed out (to remove the bleach aroma).

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