unless you have been told otherwise, within reason diabetics can have ordinary biscuits, especially if their calorie intake is too low and/or they have poor appetite. When my mother, who was diabetic, became very frail, the advice from her own doctor and the hospital dietician was basically to let her eat what she liked provided she ate and drank something.
Sorry to say this, but both Diabetes UK and the Food Standards Agency are against the terms"diabetic foods", calling them an "out of date Idea" - and saying that they are largely "a con".
Thanks woofgang - she had to go into a rest home 3wks ago and has been asking me to buy her some biscuits!! I have found some on the Boots website - choc chip cookies!!
Honestly unless the dietician has recently said otherwise just get her some really yummy ordinary biscuits, they will taste nicer, be better value and better quality.
I totally agree Yelenots, at her age, she should be allowed to eat exactly what she wants! Let her enjoy the rest of her life, being in a Rest Home rather than her own home is hard enough for her, without dietary restrictions.
Its hard in hospitals... Health services CANNOT be seen to encourage even frail old people to drink to excess or smoke and if the patient is badly affected by Alzheimers, then there is a massive safety risk as well. While you might have been very happy to see your granddad enjoy a fag, from my experience other visitors would see it as a dreadful thing for the hospital to do.
my husband is a long time diabetic, the diabetic nurse at the clinic says digestive or rich tea biscuits in moderation., she is against diabetic products they really are a con.
Maybe you could treat her to some diabetic ice cream now and again i think that has the seal of approval.Join the Dabetic assoc and get their magazine it has some good food tips.
Exactly yelen, reaching 88 she's deserved to eat what she likes, my diabetic nurse said anything in moderation. I've been a diabetic for 45 years and NEVER buy diabetic food, she can have Rich Tea, Digestives, & Lincoln. thats just a few.
(She won't like the diabetic stuff anyway its like chaff)
Yes, they are really expensive! I have bought her a multi pack of Cadburys chocolate fingers and animal biscuits, there are only half a dozen mini biscuits in the packets so I cant see them doing any harm!
Boots do a good diabetic range. But as Pink says, they're pretty much a rip off. As a diabetic I'd sooner have the 'real' thing but in very small quantities.