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Conspiracy theories

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NoMercy | 15:44 Fri 29th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
What's your favourite and least favourite?

Do you have one of your own?

My favourites are any involving the continued living presence of Elvis.

My least favourites are the ones relating to Diana or 9/11

Me: I reckon Christopher Dean and Gail Platt were seperated at birth.


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I love conspiracy theories, especially their debunking.

Following the (relatively) recent close-up mapping and photographing on the moon, the conspiracy theorists who believe that the moon landings were filmed in a Hollywood basement have pretty much shut up:
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I'm glad to hear that Mark. If my father had email, I'd send him that link. :-)
Whatever happened to the Sphinx head statue that was photographed on Mars?
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Was the in the National Enquirer, Sandy?ol
elvis is alive
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Are you hiding him in that dress?
No. I think I saw it on The Sky at Night. It was probably just a shadow on a rock formation. But it makes you wonder.
he's in my bathroom
I am with Mark on this one, it is great listening to both sides of the argument but even more so when the conspiracy theorists have hard proof placed in front of them. Its amazing how quickly they disappear under the rocks they crawled out from to start spouting their ill informed nonsense!!
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I have a theory that wine confers life-prolonging, anti-ageing, song-singing prowess to anyone who drinks it.
I am with Mark and THH on this as well except for the suicide of Dr. Kelly.
I have yet to see this one convincingly disproved

My favourite - Marilyn Monroe.
Ooooo conspiracy theories, I particularly like anything to do with alien related topics.

Elvis is very much alive, we were chatting last night.
He must be getting a bit long in the tooth to be working down that chip shop, though?
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Oh yes, jno, that is very ... err ... convincing!!
lore how many times, stop sneaking into my bathroom
-- answer removed --
76, Sandy...
NO MERCY>>>>>>I have a theory that wine confers life-prolonging, anti-ageing, song-singing prowess to anyone who drinks it.<<<<<<<

I think you will find that is just a general misconception rather than a conspiracy theory

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Conspiracy theories

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