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Brown and Mild question

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maisiemoo1 | 16:38 Sat 29th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
Hi all,

Hope someone can help.

I was talking to my dad earlier and reminising (sp??) about the past and he told me he used to drink brown and mild and he could really do with some.

Now my question is what is it? (only know its a beer) and does anyone know where I can get some?



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Half a pint of Mann's Brown Ale and half of pint of Mild beer in a pint glass.
I think it is half a pint of mild topped up with a bottle of brown ale
Question Author
Wow that was quick. Can you get them in the supermarket?
!/2 pint of bitter and a bottle of mild ale mixed together.
A mixture of brown ale and mild bitter mixed together 50/50, you will have to buy a bottle of each.
tescos do a great mix of bottled milds and bitters maise..
Not bitter! Bitter is a very different pint from mild ale.
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Thanks for all the answers. Can someone recommend a bitter? I don't drink do not know which one to choose
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Can't find Mann's Brown Ale in the supermarkets online. So where would I buy that? I want it as original as I can get
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Thank you so much D97 I typed in Manns in mysupermarket and it did not come up. He'll love it. Again thank you.
Or Newastle Brown.

And Bank's Mild.
The important thing is that brown ale (apart from things like Newcastle Brown) is simply bottled mild. A "Brown and mild" or "Brown mixed" is half DRAUGHT mild (and I mean a real ale, not some carbonated rubbish) with a bottle of brown ale. You can't drink it at home unless you get some draught mild from a pub. Unfortunately, hardly any pubs serve mild nowadays.

A mixture of brown ale and any bitter will not taste remotely the same, I'm afraid.
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I'm buying Mann's brown ale and tesco have some cans called Thwaites Mild Fine Ale (hope this is right)
Is your dad from the Midlands, maisie?
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Nope London born and bred but talking about old times get him a bit nostalgic
You'll be getting him jellied eels next. :)
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Mwahahaha! he loves Jellied Eel's but I will not touch them. Might push the boat out to a bit of pie, mash and liquor though :). So is the ones I'm getting ok? seeing as your the expert
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Thanks Eddie, so Manns Brown and Thwaites Mild it is.

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