Rare roast sirloin of beef, roast King Edwards, roasted shallots, cauliflower cheese made with St Agur, Emmental and a spring onion (fridge leftovers need using up!), and steamed broccoli. I would have done Yorkshire pud but I feel the veg contingent is too dominant to warrant a Yorkie :-(
Starter will be a G&T and pud will be a wee dram!!!
I had baked salmon flaked into mini pasta bows and green beans and stirred some philliy into it. Thats was about 3 hours ago. Starting to get hungry again so I'm going to make a sandwich in a bit.
a huge bowl of home made leek and potato soup, half a large bag of tangy cheese doritos, loads of houmous, a mug of tea and half a packet of white chocolate and cranberry cookies (aldi, highly recommended).
as you can see, the diet is going extremely well.
Cupid the best way of making yorkies is to have equal parts egg:flour:milk plus a bit of salt & pepper. It never fails, 1 egg is enough for 2-3 little yorkies and 4 eggs fills a 12 mould tin.