What to do with "Fresh milk" in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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What to do with "Fresh milk"

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kaw69 | 17:04 Fri 23rd Dec 2011 | Food & Drink
37 Answers
Hi I have recently moved next to a dairy farm and have the good fortune to have free fresh milk ie raw milk straight from the cows, it is only filtered and cooled, not pasteurised or anything like that. It makes a fantastic milky coffee and on cereals and rice puddings but I am looking for other uses to use it.
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cheese sauce for cauli /leeks/fish
Junket-jelly and milk
soups made with milk -leak and potatoe ,cauliflower (creme Du Barrie )
lots nd lots
Good luck with the tuberculosis brucellosis, listeriosis, and salmonella.
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Use it just the same as the pasteurised milk. You are so lucky, I bet the taste is wonderful, and you probably get cream on the top, do you. I know 'they' say it's risky to use it like that, but it was always like that 'in the old days' and we are still here!!
"Good luck with the tuberculosis brucellosis, listeriosis, and salmonella."

I drunk unpasteurised milk a lot growing up and I never got any of those (well apart from tuberculosis) and I'm as healthy as anything now.
I am so jealous.I spent 6 months at a B and B on a farm in Shropshire a few years ago,working away from home. Every day we used the fresh milk and it was so delicious. And I never got ill either! Enjoy your fresh milk.
"I drunk unpasteurised milk a lot growing up and I never got any of those "

Lucky you Chuck. My wife (against my advice) drank half a litre of unpasteurised milk and ended up in hospital on an antibiotic drip.

She lost 6 Kg in less than a week, and it took her around 9 months to recover her former fitness.
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Lovely answer Pat
It is tested every day by the dairy that collects it for all the usual "baddies" my uncle`s family have it every day as he is a herdsman and they never suffer from anything and none of them have spent time in hospital as he says it builds up your immune system.
In many States here in the U.S., it has actually become illegal to sell "raw" milk... much to the chagrin of those of us rural folks who get such requests all the time from our cityfied friends...
I was brought up drinking milk straight from the cow. I have fond memories of watching the pitchers being filled and set out to await collection by the locals - also buttermaking in the churn.
Give me unsweetened soya milk every time. Dairy is sickly. Yuk. Soya milk curdles in coffee though.
porage, bread & butter pudding, junket, milk shakes, ice cream, blancmange, yoghurt, custard, trifle, butter, cottage cheese.....
^ proper junket, not jelly and milk, egg & milk custard
kaw how lovely and how I envy you ! I was bought up on milk straight from the cow as were the rest of my family and none of us have suffered as a result. Shop bought milk was such a culture shock , watery and insipid ! Enjoy you fresh milk. !
Especially don't drink it if you are pregnant. I agree with rojash, there is a reason why milk is pasteurised.
rojash is absolutely right. Consumption of unpasteurised milk remains a real hazard to health. Those of you that have consumed unpasteurised milk in the past can count yourself lucky.

Having been involved in the microbiological analysis of unpasteurised milk in both the US and the UK, I think it's fair to say that I speak with some authority. You really would not want to come across some of the organisms that are potentially present in unpasteurised milk.
agree with theprof. Also milk is meant for calves, human can tolerate a certain amount of it, but too much milk, even if it were pasturised, and you'll develop an intolerance.
The distribution of unpasteurised mik by the dairy is a serious offence. We had a case near here many years ago where unpasteruised milk was found to be contaminated.

Having said that my family had house cows and we drank unpasteruised milk for many years without any problems. We also made it into yoghurt, hard and soft cheeses, butter, ghee and icecream.
smurfchops // Give me unsweetened soya milk every time. Dairy is sickly. Yuk. Soya milk curdles in coffee though.//

I always cringe when I see people extolling the virtues of soy products. The whole thing is a scam perpetrated many years ago by the American Soy Growers.

Excessive soy consumption is quite unhealthy and allergies to soy proteins quite common.

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