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Burnt my hand

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grasscarp | 14:46 Thu 29th Dec 2011 | Food & Drink
30 Answers
Cooked soup today for lunch. Poured it into blender and it went right to the top. Switched on and got boiling soup over clothes, kitchen and worst of all my left hand. What I really wanted to ask is do we ever learn. Thinking back I could have predicted what was going to happen. As I am now over sixty surely common sense should be kicking in by now??????


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I do the same, can see an accident waiting to happen but still proceed in the sure and certain hope that it won't LOL
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So its not just me! Brain was trying to rationalise and thinking maybe this time I can do it all in one go. :o(
get yourself a hand held whizzer and then you can liquidise it in the pan, much safer and far, far easier, and they're pretty cheap too.
we've just finished off the last of the turkey soup i made, i could live on it, i absolutely love it. it had all the leftover veg in too, and the last bit of gravy, all whizzed up. yum :)
ethandron, doesn't it shoot everywhere in an open pan?
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Good idea Ethandron. That is what I will do in future. My daughter offered me one she doesnt need yesterday.
I think the answer is the over sixty bit, my head has turned to cotton wool.I have just been shopping with my pull along trolley,put some shopping in the ordinary trolley and forgot where I'd left mine. I flew past the manager shouting I've lost my trolley. His look said it all.
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He knew you were off your trolley treetops. LOL
no it doesn't ladybirder, you just have to make sure you keep the whizzer submerged. if it's only under the soup by about an inch, at the top, then it will splat about a bit but i just keep it held down at the bottom of the pan and stir it around.
i once whizzed my soup on the stove and the cable got burnt off!

who in their right mind eh? ... lol!

hope your arm gets better soon!

cath x
OK thanks. Sounds much easier than getting the blender out and taking it all to bits to wash it afterward.
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Thank you Cath. Have cold flannel draped on back of my left hand which came off worst.
I'm a touch under 50. Left plastic trays on top of deep fat fryer and you know the rest. One new deep fat fryer later....

Hope the hand recovers soon Grassy x
grasscarp keep on with the cold stuff - best thing for a burn - bally painful hey? Glass of wine is permitted if that is your poison, if not a nice cup of whatever (in times of stress, mine is rooibos tea with honey, lemon and ginger)
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Thanks Alba. I like your story. We kind of know what will happen, but look on slightly disbelieving when the inevitable occurs!
run under cold water! flammazine cream if the skin starts to blister! x
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rsvp, since you have given me permission I will go and get a glass of rose. Cheers and thank you.
Okay then I'll join you if you insist
I am 40 and I do things without thinking all the time. A couple of years ago I put a plastic jug on top of a hotplate which I'd only switched off around 5 minutes before. Trouble with hotplates is that they take ages to cool down. Both hotplate and jug were mullered!
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Very funny (with hindsight) Tigger. Anybody who feels they want a drink, alcoholic or otherwise please join me in a toast to all of us.
Tigger, the joys of being female.

Sometimes, half-way up the stairs I think I should be in the kitchen. Then I can't remember if I was going up or coming down.

Much to the amusement of some family members. (All male and no sympathy lol)

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