If the bin has a seal it will keep the bread fresh for longer but I wouldn't worry too much if you buy commercially prepared bread because most of it has preservative in; just pop it into a polythene bag then into the bread bin.
I bought a wooden one once, many years ago. Nice looking one, roll top and all. Stopped using it when it started to get black spots. Not happy about that, one would have thought they were treated or something. I'd advise metal or plastic or even a pottery one.
Wooden because it`s more breathable. I bought my mum a lovely china bread bin and she says the bread goes mouldy quicker. I wouldn`t have one of those roll top, slatted ones unless the bread is in plastc though. When I was looking for a bread bin and I looked closely at those, they tend to create fine wood dust everytime they are closed where the wood rubs against itself.