Chocolate in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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pjm007 | 21:17 Wed 04th May 2005 | Food & Drink
34 Answers
What is your favourite chocolate bar ?
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A Cadbury's Flake amongst others!
Yes definitely has to be Cadbury's
Lindor, with the soft chocolate filling. Absolutley fandabidosi.
Thorntons Cappuchino bar or Vieneese bar. You cant get any better! They are sooo smooth, and the cappuchino has bits of coffee on them.

Sorry, I'd have to say Crunchie. If you mean just chocolate, I'd have to say a nice, 400g bar of Galaxy. All for me. Yum.
flake or twirl, but i don't think i would say no to any lol i used to like boosts but now they have that added glucose which isn't so good for those of us with diabetes
Turkish Delight!  I'm sure they were much bigger when I was a kid though!

They don't make Cabanas any more.  I loved them.

Hundreds of years ago when I was a boy there used to be a choc bar called "Nux" (I think) it was fabulous, but it was discontinued in favour of "Picnic" which was a poor imitation.
Milk choc Bounty bar. Sat on top of a radiator for 5 mins so its all lovely and melty and soft inside. Mmmmmmm. Cannot understand these people who insist on putting bars of chocolate in the fridge so that they're brick hard. I personally prefer chocolate on just the right side of melting, all soft and warm and sticks to your mouth a little bit when you eat it.
Lindt 85% plain dark  Chocolate it will have you twitching with chocolate overdose
Lindt 85% plain dark  Chocolate it will have you twitching with chocolate overdose

double decker

As I'm a vegan it would have to be Goldberg's Peanut Chew which is an American brand.  I have a friend send me over stocks regularly!  But I do also like a nice Thorntons ginger or marzipan bar.

Also, walnut whip.

Galaxy double nut...... lovely, much prefer Galaxy chocolate to Cadbury's.

Totally agree with your comments Daisy13, chocolate is soooo much nicer when its a little soft and warm!

It's got to be hard to be good. I love chocolate, all kinds, but it needs to have been chilled, (except for Picnics). Does anyone else think that that American nonsense "Hershey's" tastes like puke?
Yes I have to agree about Hershey's. This was as big a disappointment as root beer, another thing seemingly so popular with US kids in film and TV but which tastes like ointment. Favourites at the moment - M&S white Mountain Bars and the new Double-Chocolate bars (Nestl�?). I would say that warmth improves the tast but makes it difficult to eat. When I first bought a microwave someone told me to try freezing a Mars bar and then microwaving it for a few seconds. The result was still cold and hard on the outside but warm and soft on the inside.
Wow, none of the usual suspects have mentioned Green and Blacks.  Cherry is the best, although some may claim that Butterscotch deserves the plaudits.

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